Our life is meant to be beautiful and glorious. We have the opportunity to learn from many experiences from the time we are born on this earth until we leave. Unfortunately, not all of our life experiences are happy or even good. It’s a sentimental journey.
We all experience some kind of trauma in our life from watching a disturbing movie as a child to getting slammed by another car while driving across town. Every race, culture and society has a certain amount of trauma so we shouldn’t feel as if we are the only ones. It happens to everyone.
Healing from trauma is the process of restoring ourselves to become the whole person we were before we had the traumatic experience. One thing we need to remember is that there is always hope for the future that comes from healing; even from the most difficult experiences.
Life is a process of solving problems. Sometimes, healing from a traumatic experience, like losing a job, being deserted from a spouse or even witnessing a murder, seems difficult or even impossible to process and work through. But when these experiences happen, time and the right support, can heal us.
We can feel fear, doubt, betrayal, shame, guilt, sorrow and even have a sense of failure. All these feelings are normal. But we must be careful not to be taken advantage of by others when we believe we are the victim. We can restore ourselves from any emotional pain.
From mentor and popular author, C. JoyBell C. says this about emotional pain:
“Pain is a pesky part of being human. I’ve learned it feels like a stab wound to the heart, something I wish we could all do without, in our lives here. Pain is a sudden hurt that can’t be escaped. But then I have also learned that because of pain, I can feel the beauty, tenderness, and freedom of healing. Pain feels like a fast stab wound to the heart; but then healing feels like the wind against your face when you are spreading your wings and flying through the air! We may not have wings growing out of our backs, but healing is the closest thing that will give us that wind against our faces.”
Native American Fatherhood and Families Association (NAFFA) understands the process which includes divine intervention from the Master Healer: the Creator. When you really want to change your life, you must involve the Creator. Why? He is the Master Healer. Whatever your belief or understanding in the Creator is, your relationship with Him is personal. Please consider, NAFFA’s “6 T’s” as you grow closer to Him.
Think of Him: This of all the ways that your ways that your life has been blessed. Remember to maintain awareness of your gifts, talents abilities, and your potential for success. Yes, there maybe days or weeks or months when you felt that your life was miserable and depressing, but look closely and you will find things to be grateful for. If you start now to look for ways that the Creator has blessed your life, then with each new day you will begin to see more clearly those blessings that could have come only from the Creator. By thinking of Him, forward-thinking becomes easier and more natural.
Turn to Him: Wherever you are in your journey through life if you are not on the path of the Creator, choose His path. When you turn toward the Creator, He stands ready to improve our lives by healing our pain and sorrow. It will be easier to turn away from destructive habits and negative influences as you feel His goodness in your life. When you walk on the Creator’s path, you will never walk it alone.
Talk to Him. Prayer is the most common way that we talk to the Creator the most. Tell the Creator all about your hopes, dreams, ideas and desires. Share with Him your feelings, frustrations and problems. Talk with Him in thought as well as speaking aloud. No matter how simple your words, what matters are your sincere desires Your words must be from the heart. Sometimes, the Creator may answer our prayers by sending people to inspire and help us and/or inspiring us directly, giving us the power to help ourselves
You never know how and when the Creator will answer you. You must listen with your ears and heart. Often the answers are small and subtle, so be prepared to learn and recognize simple answers. Often, we must wait for answers that require us to develop patience and trust.
Trust Him. Trusting in the Creator is to have hope for a better future. All true hope is founded in the Creator. Learning to trust takes great courage. It means letting go of our own will and allowing the Creator to take the lead in our life. Trust that you can change. Trust that your life can follow the path of goodness. Trust that you are better than what you or anyone else sees in you. Trust that He will give you the added strength and assistance to improve your life. Trust that He will always be there for you. Trust that He has the power to heal and to trust His timing. Trust that He will work all things towards your greatest good.
Thank Him. Be grateful as you observe and enjoy the beauty of the universe, the earth and everything on it. For example, the smell of fresh rain, the laughter of your children, or the sight of a beautiful sunset. Find a way to see the blessings that are in your life and then show your gratitude to the Creator. This can be done verbally in your expressions of love, or it can be done in the service of others. Thanking the Creator is a true expression of love and appreciation for all your blessings.
Teach about Him. Traditionally, our ancestors taught their children and each other to rejoice in the Creator. Whether by your words or by your actions, your example teaches others to recognize the good that is in them and the greatness that flows through them. Teach them to see the blessings that are theirs. Teach our children to have a hope of a brighter future by having a closer relationship with the Creator.
The greatest benefit of working toward healing is that it qualifies us for happiness. As we have gone through the harsh lessons of life, we have learned many things. With this learning comes the opportunity to increase our understanding of others, to develop patience, compassion and love. We begin to have empathy for others, to really understand their point of view and their feelings. These things qualify us to be able to experience happiness. We can pursue the joy and happiness of doing good and healing ourselves from the past.
Al Pooley (Founder and President of NAFFA)