Antwerp –
Groen is furious over the dangerous doors for prisoners of war in the Fettganger tunnels in the Sintanna tunnels. 17 Mart to die. Opinion from the side with bent legs. “Complete chaos is Simpelweg Onavarvaar”, Sekt Gruen Fraktiraider Bogdan Vanden Berge.
Leeds Ok. The drains of the Trappenhal Sint Annana Tunnel are regularly monitored
The location of Voetgangerstunnel is Volgens Vanden Berghe onhoudbaar. Increase the lift by 1/10.
“When I heard the words of Antwerp, I knew it”, zegt Vanden Berghe. “All parties, including agents and Felkea (AWV), gather all necessary information to strengthen team surveillance and maintain team bonds. Complete chaos is Simpelweg Onaanvaarvaar “Als de fiets een auto is, lag er al lang een bypass.”
To the best of our ability, to the greatest extent possible. Ook defrequency van de veerdienst moet worden verhoogd.(SVW)