Synthoniclas –
Frans Wymeersch, 36 years old, helps visitors to Vlaams Belang in the gemnad of Sint-Niklase. Philippe Brusselmans finds himself in a very dire situation in the face of a horrific event.
Wymeersch shares different information depending on internal circumstances. Beyond his party role, he considers what information he receives during the week. The 72 politics were about Korega documents and knowing the correct knowledge and knowledge.
Leeds Ok. The words of Parlementslid Filip Brusselmans (Vlaams Belang) are the words of Frans Wimersch, “perfect expression”.
Zover komt het dus niet, want de beslist nu om Wymeersch niet langer deel te laten uitmaken van de fractie die in degemeenteraad zetelt. “This is a very important question, and we have bred our Heben dit Samen na Grondig to find the genome of Intern’s overlegs and the best varieties for the region. ” said Roland Pannek. “We are working every day to remain very active with our French friends. We will defend the great Dankbar.”
philip dewinter
“I sabotage the jammer, attack myself, and with the new wellingen binnen de frakti ontomoedigde, door amper en gementerrad me te maken, dan heb・Je Volgens Migi Gen Andere Keuse Meer dan Dit”, Aldaskelvers Vositter Philipp Brusselmans. “Philip de Winter spent a great deal of time during the period conducting a detailed study of Doachen des Jalen Meadere, allowing us to get to know Langer Bader.”
Ondertussen werd ook een nieuwe voordrachtsakte verzonden aan de stadsdiensten en de voorzitter van degemeenteraad fans Kenningen with eight hands in Vlaams Belang gemeenteraadsleden. Please acquire the correct knowledge. (yjs)