I had the most interesting experience not too long ago on Facebook. I was perusing the Navajo Language Renaissance page for any new information that I could share with everyone when I started reading comments.
I read the post and comments you see to the left. Although I didn’t understand the post completely, I understood what the comment was saying. It’s a simple phrase and I’m sure you can catch the meaning.
I’ve decided that it is a good practice to read through the comments to see the conversation that continues. I pick up new vocabulary this way. Here are a few other Facebook pages and groups you might be interested in:
Dine Bizaad Immersion Camp – Information about upcoming language immersion camp opportunities
Navajo WOTD – Daily words and occasional cultural insight
Navajo Word of the Day – Commonly used words, phrases, sentences
Dine Bizaad – NAU students learning the Navajo language & culture
Waashindoon Dine Bizaad – Navajo language club in the Washington D.C. area
Navajo Language Renaissance – non-profit working to revitalize the Navajo language, provides Navajo-only postings.