FOD Economy Watchdog will monitor Black Friday trends and prevent misleading information. Recently uitten ook al andere organized hun bezorgdheden on bijvoorbeeld oneerlijke webshop. Regularly review the economic status of the FOD.
November 29th is Black Friday. “Let op, sommige aanbiedingen zijn mithleidend”, the latest information on FOD economy. Shins 2022 will pay $1,400 for misleading promotions. Dat leidde tot ongeveer 800 valleystelde overtredingen, 400 waarschuwingen en 346 processen-verbaal.
“Anything that is misleading is important to consumers.”, FOD opinion. You can get information from the website ConsumerConnect. Daar kunnen mensen bijvoorbeeld misleading upload of photo.
The risk of Overtreders is 200 euros, a total of 400,000 euros, a total of 6 percent. The inspector’s oversight to monitor the economic status of the FOD is based on all documentation.
Provide detailed explanation based on reference priority. This is the most important information and the most important information. We are running a “1+1 free” promotion. For advice on FOD, see here. It’s also pragmatic.
Andere Klassieker gives his best performance and plays a very important role. Wat ook mensen of de val lokt is de valse aftelklok. “The height of realism is real”, besluit het bericht. “Wergelig met Andere Winckels through a letter from Sakekasu.”