In 2023, 12.636 victims in Belgium involved Van Veldvende Middelen. I decided to meet and do drugs with 36 of the best guys in a day. Zoveel provides information on the National Drug Commission (CNDC) and the National Institute of Crime (NICC). Cannabis, Cocaine, Amphetamines, Ketamine and Synthetic Catinonene Animal ‘Flakka’ Comen Steez Baker Fall Find Drugs.
“In Belgium, 126,360,000 people will be taking drugs nationwide in 2023,” says Sarah Ville van Het NICC. “In 2024, we had 8,500 drug-related information, 330 alcohol-related blood names, and 440 related information. We can understand 9 percent of the situation and take prompt action.”
58% were marijuana, 33% were cocaine, and 13% were amphetamines, with NICC laboratories analyzing ketamine, cathinone (the “mephi” in “flakka”), and methamphetamine. For semi-synthetic cannabinoids. Die bleven voordien onopgemerkt, aldus Sarah Wille: “No drugs at the popular festival. Er worden nu technische mogelijkheden ontwikkeld om deze stoffen on-site op te sporen.”
Ook opmerkelijk is a combination of alcohol and drugs, a combination of drugs with the most important element removed.
“This means we tend to operate behind the gate,” states the NICC medical organization. “This is essential in that we invest in laboratory research methods and research methods for Valborgen’s research activities.”