Hoogstraten VV startte started in the 10th minute via Ruben Tilburgs. Jef De Block appears 34 minutes after Jong Cercle. Kunda Medie Jonathan Mfumu bracht in de 37ste minuut de uitploeg opnieuw op voorsprong. See directly Gilles Degryse Jong Cercle langszij. Jiri Struyf runs Hoogstraten VV op voorsprong in the 71st minute. I came across Strife Gin Tweed Dwellpunto.
John Cerkle respects his own beliefs and strives for the best victory possible.
November 23rd is a competitive competition based on team programs. Jong Cercle will arrive at Dessel Sport by 19:30. Hoogstraten VV must join FC Knokke within 20 hours.
Duerpunten: 10 minutes Tilburg 0-1, 34 minutes De Brocque 1-1, 37 minutes Muhum 1-2, 51 minutes De Grise 2-2, 71 minutes Strijf 2-3, 83 minutes Stryf 2-4.
Ger Kaalten: 35′ Geradins (Jong Cerkl), 74′ Jochems (Hoogstraten VV).
Jong Cercle: Campe, Deglise, Cohen, El-Bahri, Obambi Bapela, Loete, de Block, Vanaker, Ben Sadiq, Lelyart, de Ridder (77′ Gega), Vanderhagen, Behege, Fahr, de・Bell, Geraldins, Gijide.
Hoogstraten VV: Druitz, Havermans, van Doren, Mhoum (72 min Jochem), Kustermans, de Schutter, Aberts, Voka, Fall (90 min x), van de Bell, de Weiss, van. Osserer, Tilburgs, Streif (88 min. Marcelino Silva).
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