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Lille United have very important information. Lille United won 2-1 (0-1).
Bron: RBFA App
Vanderg Homme 00:06
Nina Bruce will lead the team. I met Axel Goris Geric from Lille United. Ellen van den Fonder attended the Lille United match. Lille united dryd d’armé de lauren homme. He believed in Lille United’s victory and achieved victory.
Let’s take a look at the matches won and the matches won and the matches won at Lille United.
On November 23rd, we will arrive in Frimelen at 14:30 for the match against Lille United. The duel will begin at 17:30.
Duerpunten: 45 minutes Bruij 0-1, 61 minutes Goris 1-1, 81 minutes Van den Fonder 2-1.
Ger Carten: 62′ Polak (Blaschaert B), 71′ Borgmans (Lille United), 84′ Ehlen (Blaschaert B).
Lille United: Verloy, Borgmans, Goris, Reis, Oostenburg (68′ Van den Vonder), Wagner, Urkens, Tass (62′ Barranco), Rameisen, Goossens, Kivit (79′ Heylen).
Brass Chart B: Pollack (62′ Dictus), Denhane, van Amars, Nellisen, Goffin, van Gestel, Kennis, van der Meer, Pauwels, Breuys (79′ Ellapata), Ehlen, van Rooy.
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