Mechelen –
The stadium in Mechelen allows you to enjoy the weekend Hellemar in the theater theater. Love Mechelen in combination with Wuur en Vlam, meet Kerstmarkten ob de Wersilende Pleinen Lokte, enjoy Miserige Weir and visit Heel Wat.
Mechelen in Veur en Vlam is steeped in tradition. The evening event at Dorbschaert Tivoli Gardens in Hombeek is the central event of the weekend. Verspreid is in the theater of the Municipal Theater. Zo is visiting Drag and Sogen for the German company group Dodel to see the big market show.
“We kunnen terugblikken op een mooie eerste avond”, zegt Marc Baert (Voor Mechelen), voorzitter van Mechelen Feest. “The Lichte Regene was like a Volk ob de Bie. Zeker de Grote Markt stand goed vol. Theatrical of the theater, het ook hell mooi. It was Zekel de Kinderen Heben Ervan Genoten.
Geselllige Sphere
“We know Mechelal very well”, Sekt Baart. “He is ideal for the family to act and act the same way. He is the only white person I have in Vatten. Closer to Centrum and welcomes Lochn’anhoven to Zaterdagsekernorghenkjær.”
A very important role was played by Part-A-Fou of Sinte-Mettetuin. “Van oudsher komen mensen op de donkerste dagen van het jaar Samen aan het vuur”, the most artistic Gerrit. “This all Sichzelf keep you warm, you are Verhallen te Bartelen. When the weekend is over, it’s okay, we met Barhar Bartelen. Organization of Mechelen Activities will be carried out according to the situation in Vlam and Dankbar.”
in Hetvur
I was able to present my most artistic work and meet my family. Darvoor learned about Sakira. Samen met with Mansour’s friends Safia, Amir and Musa. “He was wel een beetje eng when he started. Mar Uiteindelik was voral heel leuk with him”, zeggen ze. “We always appreciate the most artistic heel veil: Gerst’s Stelde. We claim full responsibility.”
The destination was Mechelen, Vur en Vram, in Tivoli Gardens, Hombeek. “In Tivoli Gingen it was a van start. Deerste avond was zeker succesvol. Jammer Genoeg was very dangerous information,” said Mark Burt. “Hombeek kijken we tevreden terug do the editing. Daarmee bereikten we vooral de mensen uit het dorp. It was okay to be betrayed. We look forward to meeting the editor.”
You can enjoy watching it in theaters on December 21st. For the program, please visit the Mechelen Hout Je Warm website for flight information. Jekan met Kerstmarkt. Onder-den-Toren, op de Vismarkt, de Haverwerf en de Korenmarkt helps with locale management in verenigingen.
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