Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Wednesday wrote a fresh letter to the Election Commissioner, repeating his claims of “voter fraud”. AAP leaders have repeatedly warned against the exclusion and subsequent addition of thousands of voters in the New Delhi constituency. Former CM Arvind Kejriwal, who is contesting the seat from BJP leader Parvesh Verma, also raised similar allegations on Wednesday afternoon.
“With less than 27 days left for the Delhi Assembly elections, this issue should be considered on top priority.Once again, to ensure free and fair elections in Delhi, the appointment should be made as soon as possible. I request you to do so in the upcoming Delhi Assembly,” she wrote to the CEC.
At a recent press conference, Atisi claimed that applications for adding 10,500 new voters to the constituency were submitted between December 15 and January 2. It also claimed that 6,167 voter deletion applications were filed between November 29 and January 2. 4,283 of these removal requests were submitted by just 84 people.
Meanwhile, former CM Kejriwal claimed that the Bharatiya Janata Party had asked seven MPs to “cast fake votes in the New Delhi Legislative Assembly in the coming days”.
“Let’s see how many new applications for votes come in in the next few days. Everyone should pay attention to this. Mr. Atishi Ji asked for time to meet with the Election Commissioner. I hope you get it,” he wrote to X.
Read her full letter.
This is in regards to my previous letter dated May 1, 2025, highlighting the issue of large-scale voter deletion and addition in the New Delhi Assembly constituency. I was requesting an appointment with your office to inform you directly about this issue. However, in response to my letter, my office received a communication (attached) from Shri Lalit Mittal, Deputy Chief Electoral Officer of Delhi, stating that his office has ascertained the facts stated in my letter. I received it.
Sir, in my letter I requested an urgent appointment with you, my good man, to discuss this matter privately and seek guidance, as this matter is beyond the scope of the local CEO. With less than 27 days left for the Delhi Assembly elections, this issue should be considered on top priority. Delhi will be the only state to vote during this period, and the entire country and its media will be closely monitoring the election and its process. We trust the Election Commission of India to uphold the principles of free and fair elections. I reiterate my request for your appointment as soon as possible to ensure free and fair elections in the upcoming Delhi Assembly.
(Information provided by agency)