The BJP on Thursday nominated nine more candidates for the upcoming Delhi assembly elections. Shikha Rai has been nominated as the Bharatiya Janata Party’s candidate against Delhi Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj in Greater Kailash. Meanwhile, Anil Vasishth will be facing AAP leader Gopal Rai in Babarpur constituency.
The Congress and the ruling AAP have already announced candidates for all 70 seats in Delhi. Meanwhile, the Bharatiya Janata Party has so far nominated candidates for 68 of the 70 seats in the national capital. It is likely that the remaining two seats will be handed over to allies.
Elections for the 70-member Delhi assembly will be held all at once on February 5th, with the results announced on February 8th. The last date for submission of candidates is January 17th and the date for scrutiny of candidates is January 18th. Withdrawal of candidacy is January 20th.
The announcement came at the same time that the Congress announced the final list of candidates on Thursday, including Lokendra Chaudhary from Timarpur and Suresh Wati Chouhan from Lotus Nagar.
The party has fielded Mahila Congress president Alka Lamba from Kalkaji to replace Chief Minister Atishi. Meanwhile, former Congress leader Sandeep Dikshit will contest the New Delhi seat against former CM Arvind Kejriwal.
The national capital will face a three-pronged standoff in the upcoming polls as AAP looks to win a third term in power. Meanwhile, the Congress, which has been in power for 15 consecutive years, suffered setbacks in the last polls and failed to win any seats.
(Information provided by agency)