De Stur Juan Domenico Tedesco (39) Vankert. We have bond coaches in place to discuss and want a Nations League, but EK were cheating very unfairly. De Duitser takes a closer look at a variety of issues.
“I move Heben in my own point of view, in my own staff and speller. I love Jongens nog acter my stern. , red ) was suffering from a wild disease Lois Openda enjoys 90 minutes of conversation… Kijk, I was able to meet me by the 21st, Dan. zo. Ook Trossard en Debast is speechless. So let’s go and see the Nations League results. We’re going to learn this. deze Campagne. We develop new spellers, we develop better ones to get better hoe. That’s what I know. zaken uittesten omdat we toen intensiteit misten.Also we do nothing, Dan Zorden, we do nothing.I know all about Matt Smets heel down. (Na Jiin’s blunder, red) He had a great moment. He agreed with Israel and we learned more. ”