Check out NetZak’s work, check out Welbebinden in Harklanten and find out all the information. On November 19th, Maatschappelijk Welzijn van dinsdag met veel plezier.
“What is the most important thing in your job?” Veranttwoordelijke van de NetZak, Sonja Van Kuyk, NetZak. “Zoerselaars met ten Z|pas of the Lokaal Opvang Initiatief and developed the most important product. We ride our horses across Cortingen ob Onze Aankopen, Wat de Betaalverheid Ouk ten Gode Komt. I met Sinterklaas during this period.
“We are organizing activities to restart our activities,” said Aldus Nog Sonya. “We have received a new packet and will receive a regular packet in December to visit Telecht at Sinterklaas Academy.”
packet gift
NetZak verifies the contents of the packet. “Check the basic price packet and check the products of Zoerselaars binnenbrengen: various indulgences, toasts, cookies, Orijen, chocolates, fruit taps, Norten, Brüdstengel… (collection of information on non-alcoholic beverages), 9th Information 167) held on December 29th at Leveren Vij Het Ontar (Handelslei)!
To trust Van de Winkel, listen to your words. “We can think for ourselves and plan to know our own products.”
“Onze Social Clydenia Wardt Jane Door en Enthusiast Team Fan Freewilligers”, Wald Katrien Schreivers (CD&V), Schepen voor Armoedebelaid, Ahn. “The Zonder chickens go about their day jobs, so make sure you do your team building training and work on your team building training.”
More about your Schenkers: Pro Avalanche, ‘t Pensioentje, Organize Kerstmarkt, Bethanië ggz en AZ Voorkempen, Tennis Club Den Otter, Van en Door Vrouwen and ananonieme Schenkers. Seewerdonbedankt.