Antwerp –
Politics in Antwerp monitors the 54-seater gear on Bolivar Square and acts fairly. The man was taking money into the bank with political policy in mind. Hey, it was a lot of fun.
“We took Bolivar Square and American curry to get through the American turmoil,” said the Antwerp politician. Sekt Waldfelder Wouter Bruins fan said.
De man wanderde derna geun weg. Stroll through the wealthy streets of Justitiepaleis. Volgens’ update was very good. Check the base of the politidiensten. “De verdachte, een 54-jarige man, keerde zich tegen de politie.”The elbow is not geared well,” said Sekt Bruins.
The incident must have happened. “This is about political action, to protect politics,” Aldus Bruins Nog said. “Wat het gedrag van de man zou kunnen verklaren, prove we te achterhalen.”
(vdaa, jtp)