Merckx Plus –
On November 23rd, Gemeenschapscentrum De Marc/kt of the band “Silly Coincidence” of the Merckxplus State Bureau took to the podium. Your information will be displayed more accurately. From the 25th, activities at Norkempen will begin.
It’s all the same stupid coincidences with Spetzerdorp’s horses and Antal Wund Nog Steeds and Merckxplas. “I met Günter Melis in 1999 in the band No End on Merckxplatz,” said Sekt guitarist Bart Vermeilen. “We have the same ideas and think the same things. He ended up living in the house during his lifetime. Clippers, Merckx+ disco lovers, and we I met Krystian Eijmans, repeating like Steven Eijmans, een passend verjaardagsconcert. Om me te musician. Ze vond het zo leuk dat ze niet meer vertrokken.”
A stupid coincidence may have happened in a musical activity that only happens once every 25 years. “Ook de kinderen van debandleden groeiden op tot een groep straffe jongeren”, Bartelt Christian Sismans. “I learned Gastomzikanten al Betrocken for the children. We want to protect wild nature. We are looking forward to the best concert. Stupid By a coincidence, Zelf and Enckele Zangeressen met.
Het verjaardagsconcert wordt om 20 uur op Gang getrapt door de Merksplasse blazerssectie Impesant, waar Yenthe Agemans, de oudstezoon van de drummer, meespeelt. Stupid coincidence, starts at 9:30am. Deto guns are free.