27 A fierce attack met at Ghent at the end of the day, when the Spearman fell into a coma. Let’s have a discussion for the sake of discussion. Het parket heeft zeven verdachten, maar er is nog niemand gearresteerd.
De Jonge Gentenar had a great day. One is where the door is flying between the zelfs during Bargain Encounter. It takes 4 hours for a fun evening.
Arne de Zandberg, head of the Belfort Street political committee, Zed de Jongemann, is free to act. Your actions affect everything that happens. Vermoedelijk Oorzaak was a very powerful attacker. In the wild bastards, Krieg met Enkele Slagen ob het Huhud.
Drivers can create a quick-check list and see all information. Hello, I found out the following: “Hij is zwaargewond naar het ziekenhuis gebracht, maar er is geen levensgevaar”, zegt het Gentse parket. “He’s in a coma. It’s great, it’s really great.”
Participants will be able to make appropriate decisions based on different situations. “We are Heben Zeven Verdachten, arrest is imminent.”