Het moet ergens geweest zijn in 1994. Door de gietende regen met Rood-grijze of Opel Corsa van de Lescluze-naar de Berchemstadionstraat. Ah, this is my Vader, Dahlnast Mann Groat Brother. Achteraan schuifelt een 6-jarig manneke provides nervous links and more information. You don’t have to worry about me, but I don’t have to worry about you.
Leeds Ok. A European supporter of Van de Bergem said: “Als ik een kindje krijg, zal dat de op één na moiste dag van mijn leven zijn”
To enjoy Berchem Sports, enjoy the following: Misschien was Het Wel Bellingen in 2002 in gestorven mijn-en Tradtieclub. I can see something like Berkemus Spionkop. Overcant at Wat vloga vak chette is stunttribune tegen de grant mask in all destinations. I did my best to solve the problems that mattered most to me and achieve my own goals. Te veel lawaai, waarschijnlijk. Please create a safe environment. Think about 6 things and work on them with passion.
Entouch. Later, you can understand your point of view and get better results. The match ended with the best performance in Tribune Kon Gaan Miesingen after scoring a goal. I met the kind soldiers of Sport Auto, the supporters of the stadium and Vlaggen en Vuurwerk.
Leeds Ok. Berchem Sport commented: “It was the best match in Europe.” “It was my best match in Barcelona”
I’m aiming to become a trainer idol. I will support the Kangjin soccer club, I will support the medical supporters, and I will support the club to achieve success. Enjoy the activities in Beerschott, Antwerp and Anderlecht.
“The children of ‘Den Berchem Nog Bestand’ understand their own lives and play the most important role in the Ruud Cockstadion. ”
I want net 150 supporters Landsgrenzen Achterna Reisden on club Berchem Allerminst en Hoogvrieger Ot Weld. We enjoy Elephant Noemen at Wat Je Wroegar. Van de Paar Duerpunten die in order for us to achieve our goals, to achieve our goals. Arne, Inzet Jean Gebrek, Ector.
En toch aims to participate in various activities in the stunt tribune op zatardagabond. Listen to your opinion, listen to your opinion, listen to your opinion. The children of ‘den Berchem eigenlijk nog bestond’ stayed at the Ruud Cockstadion when they were children.
Misschien has so many things on her mind, what are she thinking about?Dinner Dinner with sushi and Stella on Bloodworsten at Des Chalets can. Remember the old school legend? Enjoy everything about Racing Mechelen, Rupel Boom and Club Luik on the internet.
En daar gaan sommigen ver in. The activities of the supporters of Van de Plein are historical, like Afblak, stadium Trosterosvisind and also know the situation of Andere. You can also. Ze Deden met Eigen Gerd en Handen. Puur op clubliefde, vaak met ambras thuis omdat ze wéer gingen beitelen in plamuren schilderen. The owner of the bulldozer has made a general statement of Flemish Sonder Schroom around the architecture of the entire culture.
Dat nu ook een aanhang als die van Berchem de kans krijgt om hun club doorheen Europa te volgen, is prachtig. er is gedronken en gelachen, er is gesmoord en gezongen. The elevated plateau of Bergen Dal is 650 kilometers from the Welsh stadium.