After the debut of Pluie and Orage, in addition to Meteor s’annonce, we aim to make progressive improvements and increase safety. CET article, découvrez le Bulletin météo détaillé pour ce mercredi November 13, 2024.
Western and central regions, pre-matinee progress and after-mid day progress decisions. Quelques averses, parfois orageuses, pourraientaffer les hauts plateaux et s’étendre vers les régions côtières et intérieures en soirée.
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D’ailleurs, l’Office National de la Météorologie (ONM) carries out the dangerous mission of monitoring dangerous hazards in Tissemsilt, Laghouat, Tiaret, Djelfa, El-Bayadh, Médéa et Naâma.
Algeria’s climate: What is the temperature in the east and southeast?
Ce mercredi, les régions de l’Estprofiteront’un ciel dégagé à Partiellement voilé en général, glamorous atmosphere and tranquility. Considering the regional characteristics of the Saharienne region, the West-West region, the Northern Sahara region, the Northern Sahara region, and the Northern Oasis region of the Northern Sahara region, we will confirm the safety of the Becharova region and the Northern Sahara region. Sahara desert adventure, some missions of Prevodora.
🟢 À LIRE AUSSI : Un élan de Solidarité pour aider une femme qui Vend de la nourriture en plein hiver dans la rue
Finally, the continuation of the maximum temperature on November 13, 20 and 25 °C due to regional variations, 14 and 27 °C due to regional and plateau and environmental changes in the region and 19 and 33 °C in the Saharienne region.
Ainci, La Journée d’Jour Huey Saint-Nonce Globalment, brought about progressive advances in order to keep the activities of parts of the western and central regions calm and to avoid orage at banquets and soirées. Masu.
See the region’s regional tandis in the most easterly, discover the best environment and new situations, avoid the dangerous risks of the Endorois and check the safety of the Northern Sahara region.
Avoid negative influences, remain cautious and pay close attention to the conductor. Most importantly, it is an important day for monitoring the impacts of climate change and climate change in Algeria.