Member states are ultimately responsible for their energy mix. Their decisions have transnational consequences. They affect the price of EEX and the use and needs of interconnects. I’d like to look at these dynamics holistically and focus on cost.
The overall renewable energy share is set to increase in the future. Distributed feed-in to the grid and volatility of power supply increases overall system complexity. Generation, storage, and use must be harmonized. European legislators have created a framework for ramping up RE. This is being gradually implemented and applied. However, energy suppliers have limited room for maneuver when it comes to pricing.
The breakfast discussion will be held from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the EESC facility, Rue Belliard 99/101, Room 3252. Please register at this link.
8h30 light breakfast
9h00 Welcome by Sandra Parti, Head of the Brussels Office of the German Institute for Economic Research
9H05Germany Fischer’s presentation on the situation in Germany, German Institute for Economic Research
& Sascha Schröder, Ewe
9H20 panel discussion:
EU Commission, Permanent Representative of DG Ener Czech Chamber of Commerce
10H00 Q&A
End of 10h30 event
As the event will be held on the premises of the European Economic and Social Committee, you will receive an email with instructions to register as a visitor to the institution.