You can perform activities at events according to any situation. Free, Live, All Kindergarten Free
1/Dag van de Wetenschap Hout stopped at Antwerp Zoo
On November 24th, it is a group of Dag van de Wetenschap works in Vlaanderen, with partners Klakten om John and Oud EN onvergetelijke dag vol leuke Experimenten en Coole Wetenschap te bezorgen. In Antwerp, visit the heart of Zallen van de Zoo. What preparations do you need to survive stormy conditions? Your university has met the best simulation in the park of Afregen.
2/Euwelinge Alice Toen of Mechelen
Alice Thoen is the best horse in 1924 and 100 in 2024. In 1956 it became known as the Mekels Miniature Theater (MMT). De eeuwelinge geeft op 24 Concert at the Arsenal Theater on 10 November. The leaders of Federico García Lorca, Toon Hermans, Roel Richelieu van Londerselle, and Jules de Corte en Manuel de Falla.
3/Human League Brengen 80’s Tot Leven
Remember the 80’s? Bands like The Human League, Kim Wilde’s Nick Kershaw, and more can get to know their world better. In 2022, De Roma will host the Human League. De Britse new wave band keert er terug opus 29 and november 30th. In Lebanon, he held a concert featuring hits such as Don’t You Want Me?, Human, and Mirror Man.
4/Krezip herrijst andermaal in Trix
When I met Jacqueline Govardt Krieg in 2000 and learned about Krezip’s status as an icon at the time, I knew I wanted to stay. Zhong Tien Jar later became Lo Dan Och Groot, who aspires to be Dutch and tries to stop himself. Tian Jia later performed with the band “Back in Business” and released a new album “Sweet High”. Ook bij hun passage from Trix work 23, November Beloved, New Job.
5/Silver Tuk Op Euro Dance
On November 28th, I met CC de Werft’s show at Celtic Silver’s “Rhythm of the Night” and enjoyed 90’s European dance. The Master of Ceremonies DJ flips the tide with dance hits Van Toyen, Soles, and performs something like a walk on water. Geflankeerd door teen band ontdoet dance icon Silvy De Bie de nummers van hun al te opzichtige muzikale makeup.
6/Antwerp Noord Obgehangen Aan Masquerade van Ensor Parade Norlicht
Enjoy the parade on the north side of Antwerp in Keiker. Muziek, dans, theater en beeldende kunst komen op 28 november vanaf 18.30 uur vanuit de huizen en pleintjes de wandelaars tegemoet. I met James Ensor, who is in charge of masks, and edited “Parade Masks.”
7/Skateboarder Ed Templeton Stelt Kunst Tentone Busy Gallery Tim Van Leer
Ed Templeton is the greatest American man in the world. Bij galerie Tim Van Laere had the chance to meet Elf and his new job from November 28th to January 25th. Templeton Krieg Farm met Sinn Wiagave van Straatleben, who wrote the life of Van Zin Vrou in California at the time.
8/ Boots are Oberredenen
On November 23, “Shine a Light” at Liwillenhof will take place at Livilenhof. Op de Spiegelvijver kan je tussen 17.30 en 21.30 uur een bootje te water te laten voor een dierbare overledene. Read what our jewelry experts have to say. Enjoy your drink while enjoying the gentle music. Activities can be done for free.
9/Kommil Foo blikt terug in de Warande
The Grind Trek of the Theater Show was a meeting between the Rav an Mich Walschaerts concert and the Vifkoppige Band of Het Concert. In Hun, there is a problem with Kommil Foo and we will check if the problem is resolved. Weker met dag heet het ‘Ik die alsmaar weker wordt. Understand the truth of Walschaerts. Concerts will be held in Turnhout (11/27 & 29) and De Roma (1/23).
10/Virginia Woolf’s life
Van Gaal wants people over the age of 20 to know about Virginia Woolf. In Antwerp, the Virginia Woolf & Bloomsbury Festival editorial activities took place on November 23rd and 24th, with activities in Binnenstad. Enjoy performances by Hilde van Meeghem, Marie Vink and Tess Bryant at Brengen in Nottebomsal.
11/Kunst meets Lego and Brickmania
BeLUG, 10-year-old club fan Vollwassen Lego fan, knows very well. Daarom pakt Brick Mania, sowieso al het grootste Lego-evenement in België, op 23 and 24 in Antwerp Expo extra uit. A giant diorama meets a pirate, a sculptor who carves a robot Star Wars. There will be various demonstrations and workshops at the barcope stand. Fall in love with Lego and have a variety of experiences.
12/Sint Begieft Sich in de Circuspist
Acrobatic activities of helpers play the most important role in the activities in the circus. Operation Sintra in Sint Niklaus will take place over the weekends of November 23rd and November 30th on a circuit of European and new pistes. Listen to your opinions and find a door to richer nature. On the piste, you can coexist while enjoying acrobatics.
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