You will have to explore the Reichstag and take legal action to stop the law, just like director Olaf Scholz. We asked Friedrich Merz, Scholz’s conservative Tegenströber, for his opinion.
Abortion is a 218 van de Duitse strafwet momentary tort. You need to gather the right information and get advice to get the right information on this issue. Abortion is a medical facility whose purpose is to serve as a physician and provide the best medical care.
Article 218 is in the political debate. Conservative opponents should get the CDU/CSU opinion right. Oppositieleider Friedrich Merz, de mogelijke opvolger van Scholz na de vervroegde verkiezingen, is er “echt over ontzet” dat Scholz, van de centrumlinkse SPD, zich achter zo’n motie schaart. “Wat de kanselier doet, is schandalig”, zei Merz vrijdag na een bijeenkomst of the CDU/CSU parliament in Berlin.
Merz Vogde élan to date “Jean Enkele Andere Kwesti het Land Zodanig Polarisart Ars Abortus” and “En New Groot Sociopolitical Conflict Deutsland Can Te Wiegbrengen dat Volkomen Onnodig.”
SPD-parlementslid Katja Mast can provide counseling in the best way according to different situations. “He will not discontinue his life or die, ignoring the words of Gerhard. Vrouwen en het brede Midden van de Samenleving wachten hierop”, zei ze.
He will be hosting a Wetgebbing event on February 23rd during Scholz’s week of reggering scoring.