Prioridad #6: Baryonan
Durante and the ultimate seven political challenges are members of Congress to help Alba avoid the pandemic and financial crisis and maintain stable stability. Provide funds to financial institutions within 7 days.
Priority #6:
asphalta camindanan
Partido MEPcumpliendo cu deseo di e pueblo lo sigui asfalta camindanan den bario a traves di un ‘investeringsfonds’ unda tur aña lo tin por lo menos18 miyon florin pa sigui drecha y mantene nos camindanan y pone luz di Caya den barionan pa mas siguridad.
Combat and Problems, Kacho Riba Kaya
Partido MEP solves problems and solves problems. Your situation is your own actions and the queiro of hashi ehercisio. To find a solution, members of Congress seek reconciliation with the pueblo.
Fight in Aruba
-Alba Enjoy Limpi’s good work.
-Lo duna multa pa esnan cu ta sigui susha Aruba
-Reduci et tarifa di esnan ku tin ku venta sushi afo
– Pone baki den tru barrio, disponsible tru dia, sin cost adicional.
Ezaki has priority in the Pueblo campaign.