Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday announced a new poll promise. This time, the target is tenants residing in Delhi. He said if AAP wins the 2025 Delhi assembly elections, tenants will get free water and electricity.
“Tenants living in Delhi do not have the benefit of free water or free electricity…Everywhere you go, there are good schools, mohalla clinics, free bus services, free ‘Tirth Yatra’ and hospitals. I meet people living in rented homes who say they are benefiting from this. However, free electricity and water schemes are not available,” Kejriwal said.
Assuring that the issue would be resolved, Kejriwal said, “After the elections, we will ensure that we have a system in place where tenants too will enjoy the benefits of free water and electricity.”
He pointed out that many of the tenants in Delhi belong to the Purvanchal region. “There are people who are destitute and poor… They don’t have access to government programs and subsidies and are suffering economically,” he said.
2025 Delhi Elections
Kejriwal’s announcement comes as the Aam Aadmi Party intensifies its campaign for the Delhi assembly elections scheduled for February 5. Results are expected to be announced on February 8th.
AAP, which is aiming for a third consecutive term, is running a campaign centered on welfare initiatives, with free utility bills and improved public services as its core strengths.
Earlier, Arvind Kejriwal had written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi demanding a 50 per cent rebate on Delhi metro fares for students, the party said on Friday. The announcement was made several hours before the release of the manifesto for the
Later, at a press conference, Kejriwal announced that if his party is re-elected in the February 5 polls, schoolboys will be given free bus rides. The AAP government is already providing free bus travel to women in the city.
“Women in Delhi are already enjoying free bus rides. Now, we are extending the same benefit to male students to ease their financial burden and facilitate access to education,” Kejriwal said. said.