Mechelen –
Op de Mechelse School BimSem vindt deze Weekly B-ART Pratt. He aims for projects that will allow him to make the most of his artistic and school talents. Zo is for taking pictures and taking pictures. This theme has the influence of social media in the spiritual world.
Vakken als beeld, artistieke vorming, muziek en esthetica komen in het onderwijs steeds meer in het gedrang. I discovered B-ART and learned BimSem gestart from the Mechelse school. “He knew the trajectory of recognition and became free to recognize the trajectory of the artist.” Sekt director Jürgen Moons said, “We understand our lives and realize our talents.” I hope that he will perform to the best of his ability.”
Use door words to organize activities. Lehrlingen action in Thongroup’s Batea can be adapted to Zich uitleven’s BimStem, collect photos and photos, and carry out active activities. “See all the great moments of B-ART in the Library of Aloysius Church”, Director’s Notes. “We want you to hear what you have to say and hear what you have to say.”
social media
The theme of B-ART is the same as Instagram/Life. “Make the most of your social media influence and be careful not to influence the spiritual world”, zegt projectverantwoodordelijke Raf Cornelis. “We faced a dangerous situation, identified a dangerous situation, identified a crisis, and learned that we were facing the same situation.”
Check out B-ART’s music, music, photos, and works. During this project, I met Steun van de Stad Mechelen.