Open-source Web Application Framework Targeted
FortiGuard Labs has detected on-going exploit attempts targeting a recently patched Apache Struts 2 vulnerability. Attackers can manipulate file upload parameters to enable path traversal, potentially leading to malicious file upload. This may result in Remote Code Execution, allowing attackers to run arbitrary code, steal data, or compromise entire systems. Learn More »
The vulnerability, CVE-2024-53677, is seemingly related to CVE-2023-50164 suggesting that incomplete patches may have contributed to the newly discovered flaw. Back in Dec, 2023, FortiGuard Labs warned about (CVE-2023-50164) by releasing a Threat Signal report:
According to the vendor advisory, this change isn’t backward compatible and users must start using the new Action File Upload mechanism and related interceptor and using the old File Upload mechanism keeps you vulnerable to this attack.
Apache Struts 2, is an open-source framework for building Java-based web applications used in many enterprise for creating scalable and robust web applications, given its widespread use in enterprise applications, unpatched systems are high-value targets, increasing the risk of breaches and operational disruption.
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Users are strongly advised upgrade at least to Struts 6.4.0 (or the latest version) and migrate to the new file upload mechanism.
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