Van de Jongeren was 60 years old, knew his stuff, and knew who he was. So much for politics in Antwerp. In order to maintain his close relationship with politicians, Bart de Wever, the Antwerp Bourgemie star, watches a TV program broadcast on Radio 1 in which he belittles himself and criticizes his relationship with politicians. We are strengthening it.
Leeds Ok. 49 people arrested in Antwerp;
“Be close to me, be close to me.” Enjoy your life more.”
In Deurne, vast political policies apply to Middernacht and access to Lakborslei. Tellloplatz in Borgerhout, Feldstrasse in Antwerp-Nord, Bistofenplatz in Durne, Drikoningenstrasse in Berchem, and Sint-Bernalundestienweg in Kiel an Hoboken. “Op de klassieke plekken zijn er wel opstootjes geweest, daar zijn die spijtig genoeg tot de nieuwjaarstraditie gaan behoren”, Aldus de Burgemeester.
“Bepaalde jongeren gaan op oudejaar geen spletjes spelen”
De Wever believes that before you start your first efforts, you need to understand the situation. Open Hobokense Moschino and enjoy the games and quizzes. “The Moose Initiative is a way to solve problems, spend potential costs, walk on tiptoe, and we are left without thinking. Your life is the most beautiful thing in Moschino.” And it remains something in between.”
Leeds Ok. “Jamaa dat ik als burgervader in de plaats moe treden van der Ouders”: 51 people are criminals, criminals, criminals.
Perform 51 attacks. “This is Profiles, you eat pellets with moss. 13th, 27th, various issues arise and we need to be careful about brand stitching, gay bashing, vandalism, political criticism, obsessive obsession, etc. There’s no need to worry.”
“Drie van de huisarresten zijnperfect nageleefd, zij zaten in de gevangenis”, gaat De Wever verder. “Nothing better. Take every word. Fans will have to wait and see if they do Open Bear or Debar String or surpass Amigo. (…) Mar Ze・Gan el a olmar en besturliek gevorg van craiggen.”
“Antwerp Neat Leyten Ontspolen”
Controlling van de Huysserlesten are Heal Albeid Intenstiff, Sekt de Burgemeester Nog, Mar Oak en There Belangrid Signal. “I want to know Kulapur, I want Kulapur, I want you to be well, and think of you.” Even if I commit a crime, even if there are more than 27 criminals. You need to avoid committing crimes. Dahl is Gene and Ward Vohr. Well, we receive signals and we use those words to receive information. The people of Antwerp continue to maintain relationships with their elders. Zo ver mag het hier niet komen.”
Leeds Ok. stand punt. “Are you worried about Bargemester?”
“I will definitely arrest the state government’s AF, we will make a fuss,” de Wever said, because it was in extremely dangerous circumstances that he met with him. “For Wetterikheid in Maatregelen, listen to the auditor’s opinion. “We must take precautions to avoid danger.”