Café Het Mahnlicht will open in Maart in 2019, precisely during the corona crisis. “Ars’ starters were very dangerous both mentally and financially,” said Sekt’s Kevin Polfried. “Het gat dat toen geslagen werd, is eigenlijk nooit helemaal gevuld geraakt.
I didn’t understand that. “Land heel prediction is very important,” says Kevin Stelt. “Zeker als je als horecaondernemer ziek wordt of in de progressen komt, het sociale vangnet Heel beperkt. When you pay 41 euros per day you get the best price. Your life is over. He Please don’t stop clapping.”
free life
If there is a problem with the corona crisis, if there is a problem, Kevin and the person, check Elke Eggerik to see how the person will deal with it. “Niet minste het fait dat min vrou dit ja har werk kwaitgelerakte”, Sekt Kevin. “A huge amount of work in the heel Andere sector of 10 has so many jobs. It means there is.”
I don’t get emotional. Sekt Kevin: “When I went to the golf game, I was exaggerating too much,” says Sekt Kevin. “In this city, we met the Bitterhide, experienced the great Dankbarhide and the encounter with more friends. Your philosophy was very pleasant. , maar elkaar nooit eerder ontmoetten, zaten hier plans naast elkaar. vriendschappen voor het leven aan over. We have been through so much and know so much.”
Wat de toekomst nog brengt voor Het Maanlicht, is nog niet duidelijk. “I’m looking into this issue thoroughly,” Sekt Kevin. “Ik kreeg ook al de eerste reacties binnen van geïinteresseerde overnemers. Voorlopig can enjoy a cafe in leven te houden, maar wie weet, vinden.” means that he is alive.”
impact van bereid
Kevin and the person can do all the activities. “We want to be the cause of the slag, but we think about how you strive.”, zegt hij. “i believe in you.”
De Cafébus Hoop develops Van de Zark’s “De Augen Open Visi Berriedmaker En Vertegen Wardiger Van de Sektor”. “Er moet goed worden nagetacht over hoe het beleid de fundamenten van onze center weg vreet”, zegt hij. “Well, a very big financial crisis has occurred. We have a word to say that we have met Regel, Verplichtingen, Vergoedingen, Barrieres en obstakels. Please complete all the work so as not to fail .I will continue to use words more than ever.”
Opens on December 31st from 13th to 18th and visits Mannlicht as a rule. “We communicate via water to participate in drinking parties in cafes,” says Sekt-Kevin. “Also, we will do our best to solve this problem. Many slots have various activities for people who are looking for flexible work or working while they are still students. ”