The AAP SUPREMO ARVIND KEJRIWAL, ARJUN RAM MEGHWAL, said on Tuesday that it should apologize for the man’s case trying to destroy the statue of Brambedkar in Punjab’s Amlitosal. In addition, the Minister of the Lambdas Aswell has demanded the resignation of Punjab Bagwant Mann for the destruction of the statue of Babba Sahbedcar of Amritosal.
The AAM AADMI Party (AAP) has power in the panjab.
The statue of the AMVEDCAL was destroyed by the panjab
On January 26, a shocking incident in Amuritosal occurred. A man has destroyed the image of Dr. Ambedkar, the father of the Indian Constitution.
The perpetrators who were identified as Moga’s Akashudepsin climbed the statue using a ladder installed by a political leader to respect flowers, and hit the imbadecar with a hammer. It will be placed next to it.
The destroyer was captured by the Amritosal spectator, and he handed him over to the police.
The case caused a wide range of anger and accusations from various political leaders and community organizations.
Megwal requests Kajiwal for an apology
The Federal Minister of the Aljun Lam Megwal on Tuesday said to AAP Supremo Arvind KEJRIWAL for apologizing for destructive acts, not being reflected in the AAP government, which is currently in the Punjab administration.
Megwal pointed out a severe contrast between the constitution and the destructive acts in Amuritosal during the celebration of the Republic of Delhi.
“On January 26, Taburo was taken to Cartavia in Delhi, and he was paid respect for the constitution, but the statue of Baba Sahb was destroyed in Amritosal,” Megwal was in Rajastan. He told the Bikan reporter.
“Avind Kagewal should apologize for it,” he said.
Aswell is looking for a CM man resignation
The Federal Minister of the Lambdas Aswell also pressed the issue and demanded the resignation of Panjab’s Bugwant Mann, which is called “loose” when he deals with the situation.
The AAM AADMI party government was prosecuted in Punjab, Asaware’s chief of the Indian Republican Party, and those involved in the law should be “horny.”
“The incident in the Amritosal is deplorable, but is neglected by the AAP government. Bagwant Man should be a moral responsibility and resign as a Panjab prime minister,” he said.
Asaware said, “The incident in Amritosal is deplorable … Bagwant Man should be a moral responsibility and resign as the Prime Minister.” The incident calls not only to ignite anger, but also to thoroughly investigate how such acts will occur under the current administration.