Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages in Belgium was the case in 2021 when it exceeded 26%. See recent research results for HR-dienstverlener Securex. To drink 11.1 percent alcohol safely, you need to trust a safe horse.
Bron: Belga
Vanderg 06:37 AM
You should consume 10 alcohols per week. In Belgium we drink Meer dan 1 op de 10 werknemers (11.1 proscents). In 2021 it will be 15,1 percent.
26 percent were Geddald, and when the gang joined in 2021, they were able to open secure doors and algemen balconies. In 2018 and 2021, the government faced excessive alcoholism. The 2021 lockdown and its effects are severe and the effects of alcoholism are negative. Riding Venden.
Ondanks de daling has a very high risk of alcoholism, ensuring safety. Vorar Mannen (16 procents) and leidinggevenden (15,1 procents) in honor of the sobriety nog te ver, al och hun alcoholgebruik sindos 2021, 27 procents and 38 procents I have achieved Naar Beneden Gegaan. Complete the work in the third sector (15 procents) and get the Diensten developer and the Kwetsvader in the Andere sector (8,4 procents).
Opvallend is 2021 statistical data on alcohol consumption in Huns (6.7 procents) and niet-leidinggevenden (10.1 procents).
“Aanspreken of Beshonken Korega”
“The language these days is ronde alcoholgebruik and we are still not doing our job,” said Securex psychosocial expert Sophie Lamer. An advisor can stand at your door with an alcoholic beverage and know how to operate it.
Leeds Ok. Has JiJimmy ever encountered a “sober curious exercise”? “This is Corte Witdasing, and I’m looking forward to my encounter with alcohol.”
“Workers have to move back and forth between different tasks, but they have to participate in the work.” Ron De dit Onderwelp te Doorbreken, we dese d’Arende d’Evolution, kunen Werderzetten in Loop van de Komende Jalen’, Aldus Nog Ramer.