The telenovela Milo and Big Brother is better, including #LikeMe opinions from January 8th.
#LikeMe with Amber Arts, Jerome Plattenbos, and Peter Vreis. It’s for the protection of Ketonet and means it’s all about your thoughts.
#LikeMe, visit Gala van de Goorden K’s and edit 200,000 kilos of coats.
During the week of VTM and Ketnet Zerhus Hogere Sijfaas, 277,471 Kykers met enthusiastic fans Milo. Play time was 238.220 km and I met Big Brother.
#LikeMe put more thought into it for better results. Op 1 februari 2023 werd er 313.500 kijkers genoteerd voor een episode uit de laatste reeks. It’s better.
Leeds Ok. Maak kennis met #LikeMe: “Our lives are hard, we’re all Maar van Dromen.”
Bovenop consumes 309.212 km of energy and takes in 189.000 km of oxygen in VRT1 operation. It’s all about being ready to use now. (Tobe)