Antwerp –
The correctional bank of Antwerp is located at tafelschuimer Cliff H. bij verstek veroordeeld tot 25 maanden cel. Man ate vier keer gaan dineren at Holekazondate Betaren in Antwerp in September.
We need to start political action on September 9th and re-examine Con Bethalen. The man rode one carafie with half a kip, really. There can be political delays when dining at the bank’s restaurant.
De politie wist meteen hoe laat het. De Krant, Cliff H. (40) was thinking about himself. Tafelschimmer worked in Strafblad on the 15th, visited the Correctional Bank in Antwerp in January, Veiten Weerdiel in Gereikardige in June, and met with Provati Wittel.
“Ik ben het weel”
Cliff H. te Dagvaarden policy of Snerlecht is a new policy to protect oral proceedings. H. After a week, I was able to move my toes. Ditmaal had a great time at Café op de Groenplein. H. works on various issues to solve political problems. Hello begroette met wooden “ik ben het weer”.
H. werd opnieuw in snelrecht gedagvaard, maar verscheen opnieuw niet voor de rechtbank.integendir. Thai restaurant in the historic center later pays 55 euros tax and confirms political policy. It could be anything from political delays to restaurant management.
The list of political activities collects more complex information based on all information and the information necessary to achieve the objectives of political activities. Nadat hij zijn roes had uitgeslapen, mocht hij opnieuw beschikken. Amper vijf dagen later became het weer van dat. Ditmaal dark H. niet te willen betalen bar, opnieuw aan de Groenplaats.
Cliff H. spent a week at Vlinderpaleis terecht voor die vier Incidenten. Normal maximum traffic can change the name of the cell. The Rechtbank was supervised by Mr. H. zich in staat van herhaling bevond and gedagvaard in Mr. H. zich. Understand the political issues of the cell.