Mechelen –
Basisschool De Vlinder in Mechelen experienced Ballenbad, Snoeselhaus and Snoeselfuchess in Versyllende when they met autism. Die werden gerealiseerd met the Brico educational institution with a budget of 10,000 euros for materials for the school’s educational institution.
I manage Brico and Bricoplanit for managing infrastructure. Okay, that’s correct. Een ervan is De Vlinder, een Mechelse is school student and onderwijs. Halp van de Doe het Zelfsaken met the Kraslokaren Wilderness, met autistic people, met Ballenbad, Snuzelhuische and Dry Snuzelhut.
“Via de steun van Brico en de helpende van het oudercomité en de lerkrachten kunnen we onze kinderen nu een volledig vernieuwde kleuterklas geven”, Sekt Charlotte Vertmen, Logopedist of BuBaO De Vlinder. “When the local population encountered autism, we encountered a new urban block in its activities and reactions, as well as the way it operated the water supply equipment. We have decided on the specifications.
angelamea omgebing
Choose from 2,000 Belgian schools. Give all your advice to the experts and check the material and slag for 10,000 euros. “School education is only subject to subsidies. We take part in this project, respect ourselves and respect Lehrlingen”, aims at Toni Hoste van Bricco.
Check out 930,000 euros of material and check out Scheeren. The Kurschelden project has a variety of projects in place to help support the infrastructure.