Delhi Election 2025: On January 28, Rahle Gandhi’s senior parliamentary leader, Raffle Gandhi, started a painful attack on AAM AADMI’s chief Arvind KEJRIWAL and his colleague, Manish Sisodia. However, they accused the two “architect” of Delhi scams.
Prior to the 2025 Delhi election, the opposition leader, who spoke to the public meeting, also called on a controversy over the bungalows of Kaejiwal before the resignation last September.
While targeting Kajiwal, Gandhi used the term “Saesh Mahal”. This emphasizes the suspicion of spending on commercials in bungalows in Bangalows, using the phrases built by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
“And you must have seen his photo of his house. Narendra Modi drove me out of my house. I gave the key and asked them to go. Kegiwal I live in Mahal in Saesh Mahal, “Gandhi spoke to a rally in the constituency of Sisodia’s representative Patpargan Council.
The Delhi Assembly election is scheduled for February 5. The results will be announced on February 8.
AAP-CONGRESS noise escalation
Gandhi’s comment clearly shows the escalation of the AAP Congress struggle prior to the February 5 parliamentary election. Congress is trying to regain the scaffolding in Delhi. Delhi has been in administration for 15 years until 2013. AAP and Congress are Indian block partners, but they are rivals of Punjab and Delhi.
A few hours after Rahul Gandhi’s attack, KEJRIWAL wondered why Congress leaders had not been arrested in the National Herald. “Modi Ji is imprisoned by people in fake cases like a fraud of sake. Why did you and your family arrested in an open and closed case like National Herald?” He wrote in X.
Immediately after the war war, the old tweet of Avind Kajiwal re -emerged into social media. The former Prime Minister called Congress leaders “children” during the political war over dismantling, which was the controversy in the 2015 Deleylam.
Rahul Gandhi Ji is still a child
“Rahle Gandy is still a child. He doesn’t tell him that his railway is probably under the central government, not the Delhi government,” Kaejiral was in a post on December 14, 2015. -He said that Gandhi had accused the AAP government. Shacour Basty by railway police reporting to the center.
AAP has been in the government since 2015. The Avinde Keswar -led party won the 2015 and 2020 parliamentary elections in the domestic capital.
Rahul Gandhi Ji is still a child. His party has not told him that the railway is probably under the Central Government, not the Delhi government.
The dismantling caused Rahle Gandhi’s Slam Street today, protesting the center and protesting against Congress, causing a political war. “Why AAP is doing Darna? They are holding power in Delhi,” he said, Rahle Gandhi said, in response to Congress representatives AAP.