Delhi Chief Minister Atishi has accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of sending hoodlums to try to kill Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal. Her statement came amid AAP leaders alleging that Kejriwal’s car was pelted with stones on Saturday.
Arvind Kejriwal’s car was attacked:
AAP had earlier shared footage of the alleged attack, claiming that BJP candidate Pravesh Verma’s henchmen attacked Arvind Kejriwal with bricks and stones and tried to harm him so that he could not campaign. .
“If that stone had hit someone, it could have been fatal,” Atisi said on Sunday. She claimed that “violent criminals” were sent to attack Kejriwal.
Atishi accuses three people of attacking Kejriwal: Who are they?
She named three people associated with Parvesh Verma and allegedly involved in the attack. Verma is a candidate of the Bharatiya Janata Party and is contesting the Delhi Assembly elections against Arvind Kejriwal from the New Delhi seat.
“It is clear that criminals and miscreants were sent to kill Arvind Kejriwal,” Atishi said, citing Rahul’s alias Shanki, who was involved in the attack.
“He (Rahul) is always seen with Pravesh Verma and is participating in his election campaign. This person has a case of attempted robbery and could be sentenced to seven years in prison. Yes, and in cases under the Arms Act, it can be punishable with a two-year prison term…” Atisi said.
Atishi also mentioned Rohit Tyagi’s name and said he has “always stayed with Pravesh Verma and been part of Pravesh Verma’s movement”.
Atishi said Rohit Tyagi is also a criminal. “In 2011, there was a theft case and an attempted murder case, which resulted in a 10-year prison term…” she added.
She named Sumit as the third person who was said to have been present when the stone was thrown at Kejriwa’s car. “He also has cases of theft, robbery and attempted murder,” she said.
Atishi said all these incidents were due to the fact that the three “Bharatiya Janata Party miscreants” who attacked Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday were “not ordinary Bharatiya Janata Party workers but trained miscreants and criminals. It shows,” he added.
“In the election panic, it is clear that the Bharatiya Janata Party is trying to kill Arvind Kejriwal,” Atishi claimed.