Antwerp –
“Voor de derde keer op rij werden wij de ploeg van ‘t stad.” En zware cijfers, sterker dan ooit met. ” Vergemeester Bad de Wever (N-VA) won the election. Hello. “It is absolutely clear that Onze will win by a landslide in 2030.”
Grand Café Horta Bertzamerden has N-VA Antwerp reception available. The appeal of the hoof was de Wever’s speech. You can’t die for success in Antwerp. Discover the iconic Van de Vlaamse Leeuw.
“Antwerp trok het Rode Leger (PVDA, red) tegen ons ten velde”, zegt De Wever. “I think a lot about Schjeldestad. Mar Wij Rachten met Hun Warde, we want to know it, Dar Zou Jinn. Nogal Rozish, Antwerp is the nest of Jinns. I want to solve the problem, but I met the problem.
Vergemeester listens to you and sees you completely. “The word of the Burgemeester is given to all men to protect me.
Toch is er geen tijd volgens De Wever om achterover te leunen. “Problems solved, but we were able to solve the most important problem in a new situation. Onze won in 2030. so that it can be maintained.”
Check out the latest information while you’re in Antwerp, Virginia. “He is Helft Deval Dutt of Van Onze Scheppenen New Dirtygers Gin. Ze zijn zelfs in hetzelfde jaar geboren: 1989. Please respect.”
De Wever is passionately linked with Antwerp an Vlaanderen and is N-VA’s best result. Our hearts are optimistic about achieving the federal government’s goals.
“Ik ga u niet vertellen waar ik dezer dagen mee bezig ben in Brussel,” Sekt de Wever said in his speech. “I do tenths of things on my own terms and spend enough time with people to understand the weight of the land. Lose it, and Augiastal becomes the first Witiberen.”
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