When you apply for a visa or a residence permit to Norway, you must always hand in a number of supporting documents to the police or embassy. The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) has made checklists explaining which documents you need to hand in. We finally have a checklist specifically made for Svalbard.
UDI has made a common checklist for all nationalities applying from Svalbard. The checklist is to be printed and handed in with the application form, and all relevant documentation is to be submitted at the time of application. The documentation required is based on the purpose of your travel.
UDI has submitted a separate requirement for documentation of affiliation/residence in Svalbard. If you can document that you live here and intend to return after your travel, we will consider the need for 2 or more entries on your visa, while tourists or short-term residents generally only need one entry to return to their home country through Schengen.
The application process remains unchanged. To apply for a Schengen visa, send us an e-mail to make an appointment, stating your full name and nationality. Please start the process in time, but at the earliest 6 months before your intended travel.
Necessary documents
Bring your valid passport, the completed application form, the checklist, and all relevant documents as stated there. Please make copies of all original documents before your appointment.
Pay attention to the fact that the documentation required is based on the purpose of your intended travel.
The processing time for a Schengen visa is up to 14 days, provided all the necessary documentation is submitted according to the checklist.
The checklist is available here: Checklist for visa applicants applying from Svalbard – UDI