I had been watching the Paris Olympics intently on TV and noticed how unique Canada’s beach volleyball uniforms were, but I never expected to be introduced to my new favorite swimwear brand. Neither did I.
Launched in 2018, Left On Friday is the brainchild of colleagues turned friends and later co-founders Laura Low Ah Kee and Shannon Savage. The two met while working at Lululemon, another popular Canadian active brand. Low Ah Kee joined the company somewhat unexpectedly (“I thought I would be there for three months, but I ended up being there for 12 years”) and worked her way up from visual merchandiser in stores to product assistant at headquarters. I did. As a merchant, be at the forefront of speed to market. Savage started as a design assistant for the men’s line, then expanded to more categories, eventually becoming vice president of women’s design. (What is her “claim to fame”? “Creating a women’s run and outerwear line.” NBD).
Low Ah Key says they had “night chats” and one of them planted the seeds for what would become Left on Friday. You can also wear it to the resort. ”
“It was really great to be at Lululemon during this time because the training and experience was so great. We didn’t get stuck in these tiny little lanes,” Savage says. “With all of these skills, you can confidently start your own company.”
Savage and Low Ah Kee left the company in 2016 for separate reasons. Looking back, they both say they had positive experiences and learned valuable lessons solving problems for consumers and, in turn, creating design solutions for them. company. “I had a good understanding of the market at the time, the Lululemon brand, what was going on in the fashion world, what was going on in the sports world, and I was able to bring that together and deliver something impactful. We did it,” explains Low Ah Kee.