Jane Fox MPH is director of the Larson Institute for Health Impacts and Equity at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Public Health. Mr. Fox has over 30 years of experience with a focus on health services technical assistance, community health program research and evaluation, and increasing access to quality care and support services for vulnerable populations. I have Her research includes a combination of outcomes and implementation science approaches to identify patient, provider, and system factors that influence engagement and retention in primary care. Use these results and implementation results to design and implement meaningful and timely technical assistance for your systems, organizations, and teams. From 2018 to 2024, she was employed by Abt Global as a Principal Associate co-leading the HRSA/AHRQ account team. During her tenure, she used all of the company’s capabilities to lead, design and support the delivery of solutions for the HRSA and AHRQ markets, pursuing new opportunities and projects. Under her leadership, the HRSA/AHRQ team has won more than $65 million in HRSA evaluation and technical assistance contracts. She led several projects funded by the HRSA Office of HIV/AIDS and served as an advisor on additional contracts from the Department of Maternal and Child Health, the Department of Global Health, the Department of Primary Health Care, and the Department of Health and Labor. Mr. Fox began his career as Executive Director of the Nevada AIDS Foundation, which manages both the Ryan White Program and the CDC HIV Prevention Fund Program. She was then accepted into the Nevada Ryan White AIDS Drug Assistance Program. She trained at Emory University School of Medicine’s Southeast AIDS Training and Education Center and has several years of experience providing technical assistance to clinics and organizations. After graduating from Emory University, Mr. Fox was a researcher at the Boston University School of Public Health, where he received funding from a multi-institutional assessment and technical assistance center focused on a variety of intersectional topics including HRSA, HIV, and HIV/AIDS. He has held leadership roles in several special projects. Links to HIV, including oral health, homelessness, incarceration, employment, behavioral health, patient-centered health facilities and systems, and data linkage.
Peer-reviewed publications
Hitchcock S, Evans L, Fox J. Developing health sector metrics to share and link HIV and STI surveillance data. Evaluation and Program Planning 105, 0149-7189 (2024). Borne D, Tryon J, Rajabiun S, Fox J, de Groot A, Gunhouse-Vigil K. Mobile multidisciplinary HIV medical care for hard-to-reach individuals experiencing homelessness in San Francisco. American Journal of Public Health 108, S528_S530 (2018). Delorenzo LA, Fox J, Quinlivan EB Lessons learned from applying a modified learning collaboration model to promote change in HIV care systems in other regions and across states. AIDS Action (2018). Cabral H, Davis-Plourde K, Sarango M, Fox J, Palmisano J, Rajabiun S. Peer support and HIV continuity of care: Results from a multicenter randomized clinical trial in three urban clinics in the United States. AIDS and behavior. (2018) 22: 2627. Hamershock R, Rajabiun S, Fox J, Mofidi M, Abel S, York J, Kunzel C, Sanogo M, Mayfield T. Students’ HIV/AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes, and intentions: Community-based dentistry. partnership. Journal of Dental Education. (August 2014). Lemay C, Tobias C, Fox J, Brown C, McCluskey A, Bednarsh H, Cabral, H. Encounters with dental case managers: Association with maintenance of dental care and completion of treatment plans. Special care in dentistry. (March-April 2013). Jeanty Y., Cardenas G, Fox J, Pereyra M, Diaz V, Bednarsh H, Reznik D, Abel S, Bachman S, Metsch L. Unmet dental care among HIV-positive people since HIV diagnosis. Correlation with the needs of. Public health report. (May 2012). Tobias C., Fox J, Walter A, Lemay C, Abel S. Sustaining people living with HIV in oral health care. Public health report. (May 2012). Rajabiun S, Fox J, McCluskey A, Guevara E, Verdesias N, Janti Y, DeMayo M, Mofidi M. Good oral hygiene leads to overall health – on improving oral health care practices for people living with HIV. Outlook. Public Health Report (May 2012). Fox J, Tobias C, Bachman S, Reznik D, Rajabiun S, Verdecas N. Increasing access to oral health care for patients with HIV/AIDS in the United States: Baseline results from the National Multicenter Evaluation Project. Public health report. (May 2012). Rajabiun S., Bachman S, Fox J., Bednarsh H. A typology of models for expanding access to oral health care for people living with HIV/AIDS, Summer Journal of Public Health Dentistry, (2011).
Professional Appointments and Membership
Northern Nevada HOPES Clinic Director, 2022 – Present University of Nevada, Reno School of Public Health Community Advisory Board Member, 2022 – 2024 Nevada Public Health Association Member, 1996 – 1998 and 2022 – Present American Public Health Association, 1999 – Present
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