Reus Openda and Arthur Vermaelen played in Stuttgart against Leipzig, 2-1.
Leipzig opened Benjamin Sesko (10.) in Dankzig, who quickly became understandable. Voormarig Anderlecht’s Jacob Bruun Larsen (50) and Nick Voltemade (60) set a trap in Stuttgart. Leipzig has just met a new generation who wants to spit on Openda Sesco – eat your tweed and make your eyes shine – met Ruud van het Veld Gestured in the slot.
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Senne Linen Beharde played on the day of the match, playing in Heidenheim’s 3-on-3 match against Werder Bremen.
Bayern Munich en Kompany Bleiben faced 42-man Punten Allen Lieder in Duttland. De Kloof had his most important encounter at Bayer Leverkusen. Leipzig (30 points) is Wierde and Werder Bremen (26 points) is Negende.