Nasser Al Attiyah (Dacia) began to face an ambitious situation as co-pilot at a distance of 10 km. “This is for me the best Tereursterende Dag van Min Leben”, Zey Al Attiyah aan de Finish.
Nani Roma (Ford) won in his Wagens. The former winner was Snerste in the 123km Lange Etap d’Worredig in Zand Werd-Geleden. For Roma, Lucas Moraes (Toyota) scored the goal after 18 seconds. Henk Lategan (Toyota Hilux) is the leader.
Chaos villa enven van de etap. Nasser Al-Attiyah (Dacia) verdwaalde na 9 km en verloor daarbij 13:36 op Nani Roma die aan het eerste tussenpunt de snelste. Al-Attiyah zou uiteindelijk pas als dertigstefinishen op 21:29 van de etappewinnaar. The people of Qatar died defending their lives.
Nog meer slecht nieuws was Guillaume de Mévius (MINI). Your Tweed makes sure you know everything. It is located 10 km from the Berg stop and we are about to leave. Uiteindelijk zou hij als 48efinishen op 59:50 van Roma.
Orc leader Yazeed Al Rajhi (Toyota Hilux) is in trouble. 83 km is awesome, that’s it. The record on the 27th was scored by Henk Lategan (Toyota Hilux) at 9:36.
Lategan has to come across Al Rajhi’s 2 minute 27 second bonus to plan his first day. Work 26:46 by Matthias Ekström (Ford). Nasser Al-Attiyah (Dacia) is na het tijdverlies van woensdag vierde op 30:21. Al Attiyah’s victory in Dakar Winter 2025 is Bisonder Klein.
Al-Attiyah will be the first to initiate an investigation to complete the investigation. “We think about everything, but the beginning of Heben is about what we think about. We do our best, but we do our best.” . Vervolgens hebben we de etappe gwooon uitgereden en hebben we geen risico is Geber Ik ben erg teleurgesteld, maar wat kun je. doen? We understood our lives correctly and wanted us to die. has heben vir tigid veroren. “This is the people I am farthest away from, van min leben”, Aldus de Catalans, the best in Dakar. I will die to keep my word.
Timo Gottschalk, Al Rajhi’s co-pilot, cannot express his emotions. “We read 2:27 and value our thoughts. We base our knowledge on all information, even vast information. Mar is the starting point of Heben. We got to know Kansu and met Draien.”