4/2020 Update: Mozilla project is no longer available. Facebook project is still possible see update click on the link below to view in the Facebook post.
There are an increasing number of volunteer opportunities for Navajo speakers in the Navajo language community. I’ve mentioned a few before: Facebook, Rhinospike, and Google in You Language. (By the way, we could always use more help with Facebook to speed up the process. Email me if you want to help out.)
Today, I’d like to mention a few other Navajo language projects that have been brought to my attention.
Mozilla, web browser Volunteer translator Akerbeltz has informed me that translation of Mozilla into Navajo has already started and that they could use some more help to move along the process. Go to: http://mozilla.locamotion.org/
Memrise.com – language learning wiki
Not so much a program, but a learning community. Some people expressed an interest in learning some vocabulary, so I’ve started everyone on Navajo phrases. Anyone can add content just go to http://memrise.com to create a new course. A full review of Memrise.com is coming soon.
LibreOffice, word processor, spreadsheets, etc
This is an open source alternative to Microsoft Office. Akerbeltz has said this is also a prime candidate for translation. Although I have no link for everyone just yet, I will keep a close eye on this. In the mean time, if you would like to download the program and start thinking of Navajo translations go to: http://www.libreoffice.org/
VLC mini – media player
This another that has not commenced, but I will keep a close eye on it.
There are, of course, more opportunities for Navajo speakers to volunteer than non-Navajo speakers. But hopeful that is going to change very soon. In the meantime, I will added a link and page with all volunteer opportunities for Navajo speakers and non-speakers if they are interested.