“Het verhaal van de Bourla is Antwerp’s masterpiece. The people of Schauburg should follow Heben’s generation, just like the people of Antwerp. We respect Brengen’s opinion.” Tangy Ottmar said.
The storyteller Studgid opens the door for the Mensen fans in Bourl-Laschoburg, allowing them to tell tents beyond icons. Die Tentoonstting is “Bye Bye Bourla Festival!” This is a January 2nd event.
Hoewel de Bourlaschouwburg, opened in 1834 and enjoyed the Central Station, Tanguy Ottomer vooral personlijke verhalen. “Dat kan zo ongeveer alles zijn. Paste your film and respect your opinion. Missien is the best romance-loving Schauburg.”
Understand your words better. “In Antwerp Van Wiel, we are going to meet the best people.” “Marr needs to plan this and create a program,” said Tanguy Ottmar. Masu.
please take due care
In the tenttelling of Tanguy Ottmar Werdergaan and Allen het Verhaar van de Boerlaschoburg. “In Burla, express your opinion, to roam the streets of Antwerp.Darom Zoken, we wait for Mensen to die in Bad Geund Heben, El Vaak Kwamen.”
I didn’t understand Schauburg in a very dangerous situation. In 2008, the Gesloten Café Gounod on Kölderstrasse near Schauburg is a legendary horse gathering.
He visited great cafes, met Kunstenar, artists, journalists from Paradisvogel, and gathered new information. You must visit the bar before visiting the bar.
The Sommiges Vendès Bar offers a variety of services to suit different needs. De bijnaam van de buurt was Cartier Latin. Ondertussen zijn de Kelder-en in mindere mate de Orgelstraat, langs beide zijden van de shouwburg, vooral bekend voor hun kledingzaken.
“Mensen met his death in Kunen Bartelen in Nog Tastbale Havenlingen, overcoming the regular death of van de Bourla. Welcome, please help us.” De omgeving van de Bourla is the most important issue. Het kan dan ook niet anders dan dat er mooie verhalen te vertellen zijn”, aldus nog Tanguy Ottomer.
Verhalen, please email photos and videos to Bourla@toneelhuis.be. Iets persoonlijk afgeven kan aan de ticketbalie, Orgelstraat 7, Antwerpen (geopend van woensdag t/m vrijdag tussen 13 en 17u.)