Well, the DJ duo is Geboren. Junior Plankaert (32) and Christopher Timmerman (38) share information about Stephanie and Van Zin Zus, “Christopher & Jr.” Het Laatste Nieuws Dat vertellen ze.
Planckkart’s operational name recognizes and accurately determines a rich DJ career. Christopher kreeg toen bezoek van Milk Inc-opperhoofd Regi. “In the words of Christopher arn het raste Neuus, I went and could open the drytafel.” “Maar Regi leerde me toen heel veel bij.I was a very nice person. .”
Junior Plankaert is a longtime drummer. “I saw a recent video of a teenager whose DJ set met daarbij een’s drummer,” says Bartelt Hiji. “It’s very difficult with Christopher. Is this something we should think about?” Enzo Geschede. Eigen’s single, Zoll’s Viktor Verhulst, you can know your life. “Thank you for your advice. We are trying to figure out our own thoughts.”
As “all-round ambiance makers”, we met people in the music world through Instagram.