On 16 September 2024, the Senate established a special committee, known as the Australian Energy Planning and Regulation Select Committee, to investigate and report on the institutional structure, governance, regulation, functioning and operation of Australia’s energy market. . , established to study and submit a final report by December 20, 2024.
Submissions are requested by October 18, 2024.
Information about the Senate committee’s investigation is available online, including notes to help you prepare your submissions.
The Commission Secretariat is also available for all inquiries and can be contacted on +61 2 6277 5011 or email epra.sen@aph.gov.au.
Preparing your submission
The Committee welcomes submissions from individuals regarding their experiences and views on energy planning and regulation in Australia. The following guidance may be helpful when preparing your submission.
• Deal with submissions to the committee and cover some or all of the terms of reference.
• Try to be concise (usually no more than 5 pages).
• Outline the problem and how to address it. However, it is not necessary to name a person (although the Committee may be required to provide an opportunity to respond if the submission contains potential adverse effects on individuals or organizations).
The Committee may not accept or publish material that is not relevant to the terms of reference of the inquiry or that would adversely affect others. The Committee may also not accept personal or business documents or correspondence that may be attached to a submission.
Type of submission
During investigations, the Commission prefers to make submissions public by removing personal information such as email addresses and phone numbers and publishing them on the investigation webpage.
However, there are several ways in which the committee may consider documents. When submitting a submission to the Committee, please be clear whether you are requesting that the submission:
• Public posts published under your name on the Internet. or
• Your anonymous submission is published on the Internet without your name. or
• Confidential submissions to be kept confidential by the Committee.
The Committee will respect such requests, but note that it has the power, after consultation with the submitter, to refuse to accept the submission as confidential or to make the submission public. please.
If you request that your name be kept private or confidential, please briefly explain why.
Handling of documents
All documents sent to the investigation become Committee documents upon receipt and will only be made public after the Committee’s decision.
In some situations, the Committee receives a large amount of correspondence. The Committee may choose to consider the issues raised, but may also not publish all communications received as submissions.
If the Committee accepts a submission, it becomes a confidential Committee document and is protected by parliamentary privilege. Submissions must not be published without permission from the Committee. Then it would no longer be protected by parliamentary privilege.
Processing of submissions is not an automated process and it may take up to several weeks for the Committee to consider your submission. The secretariat will contact you after the committee meeting ends.
The creation of the final report marks the end of the selection committee’s work.