The film “Rebel” met the international turmoil of Adil El Arbi (36) and Bilal Farah (39), causing turmoil in their own land. Set the film production of “Molenbeek Mafia”.
Film producer Bart Harmeling, CEO of caviar production. Check out our findings on The Rebels in Brussels, the 2022 film, and The Crimes of Molenbeek.
Leeds Ok. Adil el albi en bilal farah losun nieuwe trailer van passas
“We met Wehr Mensen an Vlachtwagen. Well, when we became veterin, we lost our freedom and we knew we would die. Politics is always new We don’t forget about everything. Once the door becomes solid, we prevent it from rusting quickly.
Hamelung passionately spoke of “De Mafia van Molenbeek.” “‘Noctance’ was a teenage movie for Adil Ann Bilal, where he met many actors and shared his life. We were faced with daily events, That was the most important time.”
Leeds Ok. Adil El Arbi and Bilal Farah select ‘Rebel’ at Iranian Film Festival
I saw the Belgian film Patzer, met director Matteo Simoni in 2018, saw El Arbi and Farah films in Antwerp, and saw Mar Oak in the Netherlands and Dubai. Hun Zevende’s filmography was released on January 24th in Zalen. (DVG)