Surah Al-Imran (originally called Surah Al-Imran) is the second chapter of Al-Quran. It consists of 200 ayat, of which the last 10 ayat of Surah al-Imran will be the subject of discussion here. We will look at the Arabic text, the English translation, the hadith and the narration about the benefits and rewards of reading it. You can read the last 10 Ayat of Surah Al Imran and also view the PDF below.
Surah Al Imran Last 10 Ayat PDF
Transliteration of the last 10 ayat of Surah Al Imran:
Inna fee harkis samawati wal aldi waktilav il rairi wan nahari la ayatil li uril albaab. Alajina yazkurun araha kiyaamau wakuudoh wa ala junoobhim wa ya tafakaroon fi harkis samawaati wal aldi rabana ma harakta haza bertiran subhanaka fakina azaban naar. Rabbana innaka man tudkhilin naara faqad akhzayitahu, wamaa lizzalimeena min ansaar. Rabbana innana sami’na munadiyaan yunaadi lil eemaani an ‘aminuu birabbikum fa’amanna. Rabana fagfilrana znubana wakafia anna sayi atina wa tawaffana maar abrar. Rabbana said, “Atina ma waadatana alaa rusulika walaa tukjina yom al-qiyaama, innaka raa tukriful mead.” Fastajaba rahum rabhum anni la nuddeu ‘amara’ aamirim mincum min zakarin au unter badukum mim badin. fallazeena haajaru wa ukhrijuu min diyaarihim wa oozu feed sabeeli wa qaatalu wa qutilu la ukaffiranna anhumsayyi’aatihim wala’ud Khilannahum jannatin tajree min tahtihal anhaaru thawabam min ‘indillahi Wallahu ‘indahu husnuth thawab. Ra yagurlannaka takarboor rajina kafar fil bilad. Mataa’un qaleelun thumma ma’waahum jahannam, wa bi’sal mihaad. Lakinil rajnath takau rabahum rahum janatun tajri min tahtihar anhar karidina fiha nuzlam min indirahi kailal lil abrar. Wa inna min alil kitaabi lamai u minu birahi wama unjira ilaiikum wamaa unjira ilaihim kashi ina lilahi raa yashtarna biayatir rahi tamanan kaleira. Ulayka rahum ajrhum indah rabhim. Innaraha Sale-ul-Hisab. Yah, ayuhar rajina ‘aamanus bir wa saabil wa rabitu wat takrraha ra’alakum tufrihun.
English translation:
Indeed, the creation of the heavens and the earth and the changing of the day and the night are signs to those who understand. While standing or sitting (lying down), remember Allah and think about the creation of the heavens and the earth (saying), “O Lord, You did not create this without a purpose; Exalted then, our Lord, protect us from the punishment of fire. Whoever you allow to enter the Fire, You have dishonored him, and the wrongdoer has no helper. We heard (ﷺ)) stir up faith (saying), “Believe in your Lord,” and we believed. Our Lord, forgive us our sins, remove our wickedness, and cause us to die among the righteous. Our Lord, grant us what you have promised us through your messenger. Do not put us to shame on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, you never break your promise. ”And their Lord answered them, saying, you belong to each other. So those who have migrated, those who have been driven out of their homes, those who have been harmed in my cause, those who have fought against me, those who have been killed – I will certainly remove from them their evil deeds, and from Allah and Allah. As a reward, be sure to let them enter the garden with a river flowing below. He has the highest reward. ” Don’t be fooled by the (unchecked) movement of unbelievers across the country. (But) it’s just a little bit of fun. In that case, their (last) refuge is hell, and their resting place is misery. But whoever fears his Lord will have gardens beneath which rivers flow, and he will abide therein forever as an accommodation from Allah. What is with Allah is best for the righteous. And indeed, among the people of the Bible there are those who believe in Allah and what has been revealed to you and what has been revealed to them, and humbly submit to Him. They do not exchange the verses of Allah for a small price. They will receive their reward from the Lord. Indeed, Allah is quick in calculation. O you of faith, be patient, persevere, be settled, and fear Allah, that you may succeed. (Translation: Sahih International, from
Benefits of reading the last 10 Ayat of Surah Al Imran:
Mr. Clive reports that Ibn Abbas said that he spent the night at the house of Maymuna (may Allah be pleased with her), the believer’s mother and his mother’s sister. I was lying on a cushion, while the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and his wife were lying vertically on a cushion. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) slept until midnight, or a little before midnight, or a little after midnight, and then he got up and began to rub his face with his hands to drive away the effects of sleep, and then he recited the Ten Commandments. Concluding verse of Surah al-Imran. Then he stood near the hanging water skin, performed a good ablution, then stood up and prayed. (Reference: Sahih Muslim 763b)
The above narration tells us about the custom (Sunnah) of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) of reading the last ten ayat of Surah Al-Imran when he wakes up. Therefore, developing the habit of reading when you wake up is beneficial as it is considered to act on the Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ).
Let’s take a look at another authentic hadith that shows the benefits of reading Surah Al Imran.
Al-Nawawa ibn Saman reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The Quran will be brought up on the Day of Judgment along with the companions who once acted according to the Quran. At the forefront are Surah al-Baqarah and Surah al-Al,” Imran said. He (the Messenger ﷺ) compared them (the two Surahs) to three things that I have not forgotten. He said that they would be like two clouds, or like two black canopies with light shining between them, or like two flocks of birds begging for the one who chants them. Ta. (Reference: Saheeh Muslim 805)
We started with the Arabic text of the last 10 Ayat of Surah Al Imran. I have provided a simple transliteration for my fellow Muslims living in the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, and Canada, and for those who are not familiar with Arabic. There is an English translation of the last 10 verses of Surah Al Imran. Finally, we have reviewed some authentic hadiths with references on the benefits of reading the last 10 verses of Surah Al Imran. Jazak ALLAH who read it out loud.