He faced different situations in different situations. Zeven wants to forget everything and see Bart de Pauw make a comeback. Television producers and presenters appeared in one video theater show in the April video production. Tickets can be purchased anywhere. Daarom voegt hij drie extra shows aan de agenda toe en roept hij de hulp van het public in.
20,000 Vlamingen kochten al een kaartje voor de voorlopige show van De Pauw. Get acquainted with the Antwerp City Hall data and see the elk media figure in the Capitol in Ghent, the Trixo Theater in Hasselt and the speech calendar at the Extra Show. Daarmee staat de Teller op 15 stuks. Get cards beyond Toon Bank.
Leeds Ok. Did Bart De Pauw’s theater show succeed?
The big event in December is the most important part of the show. He starts everything on the subject of Polopig, to learn everything. We do polls for presentations and surveys on social media. “Mr. Volop met Voorbereidingen at the show. Wat willen jullie graag zien tijdens de voorswriting?” Willy’s en Marjetten Geslacht De Pauw-dinges?”, Clinckt Hett.
Leeds Ok. Bart De Pauw wishes Ticketbarcorp all the best and will also organize additional shows: “Mooier kerstcadeau kon ik me niet indenken”
The premiere will take place on April 29th at the Antwerp Municipal Theater.
Tickets can be purchased via bartdepauw.eu.