September 29, 2009
Offiste Computer Backup announces that it has become an authorized reseller of StorageCrafts’s products. StorageCrafts flagship product ShadowProtect now integrates with our Online Backup Manager(beginning with version to enable simple and reliable offsite storage of full system images.
StorageCraft ShadowProtect provides fast and reliable disaster recovery, system migration and data protection for all Windows platforms. ShadowProtect provides bare metal recovery of the Windows operating system, applications such as Exchange and SQL and your critical data.
ShadowProtect provides hardware independent restore for physical to physical system (P2P) recovery. ShadowProtect also supports conversion from physical systems to virtual environments (P2V), virtual environments to physical systems (V2P) and virtual environments to virtual environments (V2V). ShadowProtect is complementary to VMWareâ„¢ and Microsoftâ„¢ virtualization solutions for fast and reliable disaster recovery and system migration.
To download the free trial software click here.