Temse –
Dendermont’s political elector understood the actions of the most important people and faced the most important steps. I want to know more about you, I want to know more, I want to know more. Get the cell. “Please help me understand this problem. I can experience a new society. “I met the Teen Step Mock Residence. I went to see me.” Sprak elbow.
De feiten vonden plaats op 11 december 2023. De beklaagde reed meets zijn elektrische step op de openbare weg, maar verloor de controle en kwam in aanrijding meets een wargen. I was able to get Hello, I have confirmed that I have tested positive for cocaine.
Dahlfall has the most important information on the balcony of Rechtbank. It was inside the moose. De Man Heft Namerik met 26-year-old Weerdelingen Stevig Straflechterik Velden Achter de Lag. Your Feiten met our cell with the open bar minister and the strange strafe.
“Lead me to the alstubrift, new society”, vroeg de beklaagde aan de voorzitter. “I often hear reeds in this place. I often look into myself, look into me and go to Herpakken. I meet self-driving, I meet my electric step, I find myself Find out die step was beslaggenomen trouens van een friend und weld.
You will be asked to pay a fee of 6,400 euros. We value your opinion and would love to hear more from you. “Bedankt om zo mild te zijn”, sprak de man alvorens de rechtszaal te verlaten. (PV)