The effects of working in the heat are often underestimated. However, even moderately high temperatures can have serious effects on the human mind and body. If the effects of heat stroke and heat stress are not proactively addressed, catastrophic accidents can occur on the jobsite.
How can you keep your employees cool and healthy in the heat?
Risks of working in the heat
Excessive heat poses many risks to everyone exposed to it, but the risks are even greater for those who work strenuously in the heat. When your body gets too hot and can’t cool down effectively, stress begins to build up and eventually damages you.
Early signs of heat stress include:
Thirst Nausea Sticky skin Dark urine Headache Irritability and confusion
If left untreated, heat exhaustion can quickly progress to heatstroke, and the following symptoms may appear:
Lack of sweat Muscle spasms Unreasonableness and embarrassment Loss of consciousness Seizures
Measures against heat stroke on site
Fortunately, there are some strategies that can help prevent heatstroke in the field.
Educate your employees.
One of the first things you should do is take the time to educate your employees about the dangers of working in the heat. Even with heat protection measures in place, employees can still suffer greatly if they are not aware of how serious the effects of heat stress and heat stroke can be. Teach them about the consequences of ignoring the heat, explain your next strategy, and make sure you fully understand the situation.
Pay attention to both temperature and humidity.
One of your primary responsibilities as a supervisor, team leader, or other authority figure is to remain aware of both temperature and humidity. Obviously, temperature is the best indicator of our heat, but humidity also needs to be considered. This is because high humidity prevents sweat from evaporating efficiently, making it harder for the human body to cool itself. Be especially careful on hot and humid days.
Monitor your employees closely.
Supervise all employees at all times while they are working. Make sure your children are following the guidelines properly and watch for signs of heat stress. Remember, the sooner you intervene, the better. If you wait until your employee shows signs of advanced heatstroke, it may be too late to prevent serious harm.
Avoid peak hours (especially at the beginning).
Consider staggering your work schedule to avoid peak heat. For example, you can work early in the morning or late in the evening, when the sun’s rays are not as strong. Over time, the human body can get used to intense heat. If you spend enough time working in the heat, you will eventually be able to tolerate it much better. For this reason, it is important to minimize working hours in the heat at the beginning of the season. From there you can gradually increase your level.
Provide plenty of shade and fans.
Be sure to provide plenty of shaded areas and fans at your work site. Fans create air movement and facilitate heat evaporation, allowing our bodies to cool down faster and more efficiently. Consider having multiple cooling stations, especially if there is no natural shade in the area.
Take plenty of breaks.
Employees need time to take advantage of these cooling stations and remove themselves from the hot environment. Therefore, you need to take frequent breaks, even if it’s just a few minutes at a time.
Stay hydrated.
Drinking cold water is one of the best ways to reduce the effects of heat on your body. It is also essential for replenishing water lost through sweat. Make cold water available to all employees at all times and encourage them to drink as much as possible.
Light and loose clothing is encouraged.
Encourage your employees to wear light-colored, lightweight, loose-fitting clothing and be prepared for the heat. Lighter colors reflect more light, helping your employees stay cooler. Lighter materials have a lower insulating capacity, so they can cool your body more efficiently. Similarly, loose-fitting clothing allows for better air circulation, which helps sweat evaporate.
Encourage light meals and snacks.
Employees should eat throughout the day to maintain energy, but only snacks and snacks are encouraged. When employees eat meals that are too heavy, they can become heavier, feel hotter, and reduce their body’s ability to dissipate heat efficiently.
Get ready to act.
If anyone on your team is suffering from heat exhaustion, call 911 immediately and cool them down as much as possible. The best strategies here include drinking lots of cold water, cooling the body by pouring water directly on it, removing unnecessary clothing, and moving the patient to a cool area, such as an area with shade and air circulation. This includes moving. Additionally, stay with the person until help arrives.
No one wants to experience heatstroke, and I don’t want anyone else to experience heatstroke either. If you stay aware of the risks associated with heat and employ these strategies wisely, you can reduce your risk profile to near zero.